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Thursday, 14 November 2013

Camp Birchwood for Boys - Worst Summer Camps - Why I'm Doing This

Since I was unfairly let go from Camp Birchwood for Boys, I have gotten a lot of replies from people offering there advice and help and to them I want to thank you. You have understood the situation that I am in and I have even heard similar stories to my own.
Some of you have tried to help me to get past this whole situation and I fully respect what you are trying to do. However right now I am just not there. 
Also CCUSA have asked me before and more than once about why I am doing this(trying to clear my name), I've answered them and the reason is quite simply the fact that there has been no justice whatsoever, the director of Camp Birchwood for Boys fired me for something I didn't do and it is clear to me that he knew this, the director has shown himself to me to be a horrible person and yet someone like that can just get away with something as horrible as this, whereas with me I have always tried to do the right thing and yet I'm the one that is getting punished; I was wrongly accused of something horrible by in my opinion a petty self absorbed man, I was forced to travel halfway across America alone, lost, confused and scared, Also when eventually got home I found that I wouldn't be able to pay small bills, which would never have happened had it not been for the directors lies and I am now struggling to stay at University. There has been no justice in this whatsoever.
So to CCUSA, I came to you for help and you did nothing to help me in this situation, even though it is clear that the director is in the wrong here. You should be ashamed of yourselves.
Also to everyone who is reading from Camp Birchwood for Boys, whether its Dan, Melissa or anyone else. Everyone in the room that day knows I didn't do this and my fellow counselor also knows I didn't do this. Also for everyone else as well, the director 'Dan' sent CCUSA a report, which CCUSA sent to me and as I have mentioned in previous post there was something in the report that the director failed to mention to me before I left (easily the worst thing in the report). This was in fact my fellow counselor that had done this, although it was definitely over exaggerated by the camper or the director given that its the report I'm going by. I did feel me and my fellow counselor had dealt with what happened here but obviously I was wrong.
The fact that this was never mentioned to me shows me that the director knew I hadn't done this but most likely that he knew that it was my fellow counselor who had done this, I have been told that I could have been a scapegoat here as my fellow counselor wasn't just a returning counselor but he was a previous camper and it wouldn't look good for the director or the camp.
Also the fact that the director lied about another camp making complaints about this and also that I was told by another counselor that the homesick camper was going to lie about me and the other trip counselor. It makes this whole thing disgusting.
So whether the directors reason for letting me go was to use me as a scapegoat, or because I wouldn't turn a blind eye on the camps infractions, or if it was just the personal problem the director seemed to have with me. It is clear that there has been no justice here.
I am sorry to the people that have tried to get me past this but nobody should get away with something as horrible as this.
I will not stop with this until I have achieved at least some justice on the matter and to the director 'Dan' if you do read this of course, what you have done here is horrible, I really hope you can learn from this for your daughters sake especially. Anytime you want to give me an honest answer of what happened, it is the very least I deserve.
So to everyone the reason I am doing this is for justice and CCUSA the reason you can't see that will make anyone question what type of organisation you are.
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