This will be the last time I post on Camp Birchwood for Boys.
Since last summer I have really struggled with everything that has come from this, it's such a horrible thing to happen to a person and what happened to me was extremely unfair and I've never really had any proper answers into why this has happened. I most likely wont get any answers either.
The fact is I don't understand anything about this and I could be wrong but I just can't see past the fact that the director knew I hadn't done anything.
This was something I wanted to do for ages and now I will never get the chance to do it again and all because of some horrible lies.
I have done so much to try and make things right here and get to the bottom as to why this has happened to me but what I have been doing isn't ever going to help me. I just don't feel like I'm ever going to get passed this, it's honestly the worst feeling out the lot.
When this all started I got told I had 3 options; to contact the hiring organisation (CCUSA), to take legal action or to contact the camp.
I contacted CCUSA but they chose not to help me. I got legal advise but found out it would cost me a lot more money than I even have to take legal action against the camp. I never considered contacting the camp because I believed it would be a waste of time.
However today I made contact with the camp, I messaged the other director 'Melissa'
It was quite a short message considering everything that has happened over the year but it is the only thing I haven't actually done to try and get some answers and it is probably something I should have done when CCUSA first sent me that report back in July.
I know that I might not get a reply but at least I have tried absolutely everything now to get some sort of explanation as to why this happened and I don't think I can do anything more.
Hopefully things will get better soon and maybe with me not posting on here anymore might help with that.
I've received some questions asking if I'm actually giving up on getting justice and answers for what happened to me.This is definitely not the case.
The fact of the matter is it was the director of Camp Birchwood for Boys 'Daniel Bredemus' that has done this to me, there is nobody else to blame apart from him and I have said everything I need to on this matter and unless something new, something substantial comes to my attention I will not be posting on here again.
I contacted the other director 'Melissa' knowing that I was most likely never to get an answer but that is OK. I have given them the chance to be honest for once and they didn't take it. But I gave them the chance nonetheless.
I will continue to fight this and I will find a way get justice for this eventually and with the amount of people I get viewing on here daily (Mostly from the USA) and some of the message of support I have gotten from people that don't even know me shows to me that 'Daniel Bredemus' will not get away with this.
I believe it is 'Daniel Bredemus' that makes Camp Birchwood for Boys a bad place to be, just look what he did to me. Every bad thing I have said about this place such as the broken tent is true. However the majority of people I have met at this camp are good people and that is something I need to make clearer and these people I haven't and would never involve in any of this. The only people I would involve are the people I know or believe to have been involved in what happened to me that day.
One more thing and everyone involved in this whole mess including the director 'Daniel Bredemus' knows that in everything I have mentioned, whether it's opinion or facts, that I have been 100% Honest in all of this. That is something that nobody else involved in any of this can say. So 'Daniel Bredemus will be found out for what he has done, it is only a matter of time.