Blogorama - The Blog Directory HyperSmash Summer Camp Experience: The Latest on What's Happening

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

The Latest on What's Happening

It has been pretty slow as of late, but I can now say that I am most likely going to go down the legal route as this seems to be the best way to get this whole mess sorted out once and for all and I have tried my best at other routes.

It has been looking likely that I will have to drop out of University due to the lies of Camp birchwood for Boys as it left me with no money to pay for a flat for University for next year and I now have less than 2 weeks until my course begins.
Although I have now registered for my 3rd year at University, which could be a huge mistake as I start on the 23 September 2013 and I have no money and also have  no flat for university, so if I was to drop out now I would also owe the University a lot of money. However I have decided to register as I believe that I can make it to my 3rd year of University and why should I let Camp Birchwood for Boys continue to ruin my life. So yeah it looks very unlikely that I will make it to University but I am determined to make it happen.

As for my debt that I now have due to what happened with Camp Birchwood for Boys, I have no money at this present moment so can’t really do anything about it at this moment in time.

And to think all of this would have been avoided had it not been for Camp Birchwood for Boys and what I believe to be their lies.

I do believe I have proof against the camp although this would mean I would have to put my trust in another person and giving one of the things that the camp accused me of I’m not sure that I can trust this person.

Lastly CCUSA who from what I’ve been able to gather only sent an email to Camp Birchwood for Boys after I told them that they had treated me unfairly, and done nothing else. I go onto My CCUSA account to look at my contract with them and when I go to click in it it sends me to the 2014 summer camp application (as if I would apply through CCUSA again knowing what they are like now) anyway I believe that they themselves have went against this and when I can get a hold of the contract I will do something about it.

So that is where I am at right now and I am confident that this will work out for the best.

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