Blogorama - The Blog Directory HyperSmash Summer Camp Experience: Another lie in the Camp Birchwood for Boys Situation!

Monday, 28 July 2014

Another lie in the Camp Birchwood for Boys Situation!

I have left this as a comment on my last post on Wordpress  but have decided to make it as a post on here.

So recently I got a comment from a fake account. This is an accounts that has been created by somebody pretending to be someone they are not.
I know it was a fake account because I had it investigated under the theory that it was a fake account and this has been backed up and the comment and account I believe have been deleted.
Now this comment could have only come from a select few at Camp Birchwood for Boys. It could possibly have been one of the directors most likely Dan Bredemus in this case or maybe one of three possible counselors.
I have cleared up everything that I wanted to say with my last post and really didn’t want to post on this again but with the fake account creation I kind of had to.
So this is specifically for the people involved in what happened to me at Camp Birchwood for Boys last year, do not create a fake account to try and back up the reasons for me being fired last year and I know it was a fake account because it was found to be so by the actual owners of the website it was created on and was dealt with by themselves.
This was indeed a cowardly action from whoever done it. So please if you have anything to say on the matter or to me then really do leave a comment but do it as yourselves or even email or PM me on Facebook but do not create a fake account to do so.
What happened to me last year, I believe was pretty cowardly as there was no honesty or integrity in the decision from last year but this latest action is a new kind of low.
I have at least been honest in everything that I have said, yes some of it has come from speculation and is just my opinion but the facts that I have stated on here make it so obvious that something wrong has in fact happened here and I believe most people who view this from an outside perspective can clearly see that I have been wronged and now someone that could have only been from Camp Birchwood for Boys has created a fake account to back up what happened to me.
I know that someone from Camp Birchwood for Boys will read this at some point. How about you tell the truth or at the very least if you are going to lie do not pretend to be somebody else, have some courage for goodness sake.

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